The Catastrophic Flood (TOP TEN)

Imagine the world-covering flood event with fast-moving churning waters….
- As the fountains of the great deep were broken up, many plate tectonic movements generated numerous earthquakes, resulting in an immense number of tsunamis.
- As the ocean floor plates pushed apart, molten rock emerged, creating a new ocean floor. The new ocean floor was less dense and rose, pushing up the sea level and caused a surge of ocean water onto the continents.
- Super-storms were generated in the atmosphere as a result of the supersonic steam jets at the crustal fracture zones, catapulting ocean waters aloft before they fell back to Earth as torrential rainfall (Genesis 7:11). It has been estimated that such super-storms and their winds drove water currents at speeds of 100 mph or more.
- Twice-daily tides. The earth being covered with water, these tidal surges would have experienced no shorelines; thus the tidal surges would have moved across the submerged continents, causing much churning of water and redistribution of pulverized sediments.
Powerful, fast-moving currents and surges ripped up rocks and laid them down, producing the sedimentary layers that we see today on all the continents of the world. The Flood of Noah’s day was truly catastrophic!
Amos 9:6b
Ham, Ken et al. 2013. The New Answers Book 4. Master Books: Green Forest, AR. p.179-181.
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Catastrophic plate tectonics: the geophysical context of the Genesis Flood
Book: Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study, John Woodmorappe
Book: The Global Flood, Dr. John Morris