Dinosaur Soft Tissue Evidence of a Young Earth (TOP TEN)
Ask people when the dinosaurs died out, and they will usually answer 65 million years ago. Then why are scientists now finding soft tissues in some dinosaur bones? Dr. Mary Schweitzer was analyzing the fossilized thigh bone of a T-rex found in the Hell Creek formation of Montana and found, to her amazement, blood vessels, cells with nuclei, tissue elasticity and intact protein fragments. Can these survive 65 million years? No! Could they have survived since the Flood of Noah’s day (~ 4400 years ago)? Yes!
Many studies of Egyptian mummies and other humans of old age show the same sort of details as Schweitzer reported in her T. rex. Since Schweitzer’s discovery, more paleontologists are cracking open dinosaur bones and finding, to their amazement, the same thing: blood vessels, cell nuclei, tissue elasticity and protein fragments. Dinosaurs’ soft tissues reveal they did not die out millions of years ago. If these dinosaur bones are not millions of years old, then neither is the earth’s rock layers in which these bones are found. The earth’s sedimentary rock strata were formed as sediment-filled water deposited layer after layer of sediment during the year-long flood of Noah’s day (about 4400 years ago), trapping dinosaur remains in the deposits. Dinosaur soft tissue shouts that we live on a young earth!
Genesis 8:5
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Published Reports of Original Soft Tissue Fossils
A Review of Original Tissue Fossils and Their Age Implications