Statistics Show Life Could Not Have Made Itself (September 9)
There are billion-dollar hotels in Las Vegas because the owners know that they are going to make money from the majority of people coming through their doors. Statistics is science and assures us that certain things are either going to happen or not.
Statistics can also be used to prove that life could never have made itself. There are an estimated 1080 atoms in the entire universe. Even if our universe were 15 billion years old (1018 seconds) and each of these atoms are interacting with each other every trillionth of a second, this would only allow 10112 possible chemical interactions since the beginning of time. Let’s compare that number (10112) to the odds of the correct proteins and enzymes, needed for life, coming into existence by chance processes.
It is believed that the very simplest form of life would require at least 20 proteins and 387 enzymes – all with very specific sequences of amino acids.1 If the average sequence of these chemicals is 10 amino acids, the odds of these amino acid arrangements forming by random chance would be 20 raised to the 10th power raised to the 387th power . In other words, once in 105035 tries. This is absurdly less likely than the 10112 possible interactions of every atom in the history of the universe. Once in a trillion odds would be like flipping a coin and randomly getting heads 1012 times in a row. No-one would ever believe this could happen. Once in 105035 is an inconceivable impossibility.
God has made it absolutely obvious; the molecules of life were designed by intelligence, not chance.
Isaiah 41:20
Sarfati, Jonathan. CMI conference lecture, Myrtle Beach, NC, July 15, 2015.
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Refuting Evolution 2—Chapter 9 – Argument: Probability of evolution
Book: Refuting Evolution 2, Jonathan Sarfati
Book: Refuting Evolution, Jonathan Sarfati