DNA in Dinosaur Bones (November 26)
DNA found in dinosaur bones! The DNA molecule is one of the most fragile and easily fragmented of all organic structures, yet that is what has been found in dinosaur bones. Since Dr. Mary Schweitzer first reported finding soft tissue in dinosaur bones in 20001, so many fossils have been documented to contain soft protein and other undecayed biological material that it has become routine. Recently undecayed DNA sequences were found within soft dinosaur tissue!1 This is the “final nail” in the coffin of the belief that these fossils laid in the ground for millions of years.
Studies have been done to see how long DNA would exist if held at certain temperatures. For example, if the DNA were held at 77oF, it could survive for 22,000 years; after that, no measurable genetic sequence would be left. Here are the results of the study:
77 degrees F – 22,000 years
59 degrees F – 131,000 years
41 degrees F – 882,000 years
23 degrees F – 6.8 million years
Notice for DNA to survive for millions of years, the temperature had to be below freezing. Fossils trapped in rock layers do not experience subfreezing temperatures for millions of years! Also notice, the millions of years mentioned are only 1/10th of the time as compared to the evolutionary idea of dinosaurs dying out 65 million years ago. Dinosaur fossils and the rock layers they are trapped in are not that old. These dinosaurs were caught in the Flood of Noah’s day some 4400 years ago. It is no surprise then that small amounts of the DNA structure could occasionally be found in these dinosaur fossils. DNA in dinosaur bones shouts, “It’s a young Earth!”
Job 41:1, 19-20
Sarfati, Jonathan. July 15, 2015. CMI conference lecture, Myrtle Beach, N.C.
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DNA and bone cells found in dinosaur bone