Parts of Life Must be Arranged in a Perfect Sequence (January 8)
Imagine finding a very large bullfrog hopping through your backyard. Biochemists tell us that this frog contains hundreds of thousands of complex chemicals. Thus all the parts needed for life are contained within its body. So what will happen if we drop the bullfrog into a kitchen blender and add lots of energy by blending it? Will a new form of life develop since all the parts are present? We may create a frog smoothie, but we will never create a new form of life. Even if you take the frog smoothie and add other forms of energy (by microwaving, baking, or electrocuting) you are only going to end up with a frog smoothie – not some new form of life. We could continue adding various forms of energy for millions of years – still no new form of life will ever develop.
It is not enough to have the correct parts for life; these parts must also be arranged in a perfect sequence – all in the correct place. Yet life is more than just having the correct sequence. What makes life? Science textbooks can describe the mechanisms of how life operates but not how life came about. If our bullfrog was dead, how would it become alive again? All the parts are present, but life is missing! Life is not within our grasp to understand. We cannot restore life to the dead bullfrog, let alone create life in a blender. The Bible tells us that God created life; He is the source of all life!
Psalm 104:30a
KJV: Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created…
NIV: When you send your Spirit, they are created…
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