Origin of Caves (November 4)

Have you considered the origin of caves? Most caves are found in nearly pure limestone layers hundreds of feet thick. To explain the origin of caves, one must first explain where the limestone layers came from, then how the caves came into existence with its magnificent cave wonders.
Here are the three stages:
- First, the deposition of limestone in thick layers
- Second, the carving out of the cavity within the limestone layer
- Third, the “decorating” of the caves (stalactites, stalagmites, etc…)
First, the Flood of Noah’s day laid down these nearly pure layers of precipitated limestone as the “fountains of the deep” (Genesis 7:11) spewed forth enormous quantities of hot, mineral-laden water. Second, at the end of the Flood, enormous tectonic activity took place as, “the mountains rose; the valleys sank down” (Psalm 104:8 NAS). These tectonic activities caused many cracks in the limestone which allowed waters to drain through. In unique, localized areas, these waters were rich in acids from volcanic activity, decaying dead animals, and vegetation from the Flood, and this quickly ate away limestone – rapidly forming the enormous cave tunnels.
Cave decorating occurred during stage three. Cave mineral formations, such as stalagmites, developed from calcium-loaded water draining through the cavities. Just after the Flood, the ground was much wetter, due to the Flood waters and the post-Flood Ice Age. Mineral-rich waters dripped from the cave ceilings and evaporated, leaving behind a variety of cave decorations. Since that time, the water supplies have decreased, and the growth of cave decorations has slowed. When we put on our Biblical glasses, we can see where cave formation and decorations fit; limestone cave formations began with the Flood of Noah’s day some 4400 years ago.
Psalm 104:6-8
Oard, Michael J., Tara Wolfe & Chris Turbuck. 2012. Exploring Geology with Mr. Hibb. Creation Book Publishers: Powder Springs, Georgia. p.61-63
Learn More
Book: The Cave Book, Emil Silvestru