Flood Versus Evolutionary Interpretations of the Rock Layers (November 3)

How do Bible-affirming geologists and evolutionary geologists differ as they interpret the rock layers of the Earth?
Time to form geological column
Biblical Geologist (global flood): Sedimentary rocks formed mostly during and subsequent to the year-long Flood
Geologist (NO global flood): Over 500 million years
Oldest fossils
Biblical Geologist (global flood): Made by the Flood (~2400 BC)
Geologist (NO global flood): Millions of years old
What are “first” and “last” fossils
Biblical Geologist (global flood): First = Buried earliest or before Flood; Last = buried late in/or after the Flood
Geologist (NO global flood): First=early in evolution history; Last = final survivor
Biblical Geologist (global flood): Alive at same time as people
Geologist (NO global flood): Died 65 million years ago before people evolved from monkey-people
Flood geology and evolution have two VERY different ways of looking at the geological column and the fossils. Originally, the geological column explained the Flood of Noah’s time; later, evolutionists changed the meaning.
Scientists routinely find fossilized pollen, spores, and wood from land plants in the Cambrian rock layer (which is at the base of the geological column). Evolutionary geologists are surprised because land plants were not supposed to have evolved until much later in time. Flood geologists are not surprised at finding pollen and spores in the Cambrian layer because the geological column represents the order in which creatures and plants were buried by Noah’s Flood. Spores and pollen can blow from one place to another, but not from one time to another! The Bible’s description of a worldwide flood fits the fossil evidence much better than the evolutionary explanation.
Psalm 124:4-5
Parker, Gary and Mary. 2005. The Fossil Book. Master Books: Green Forest, AR. p.24-25.
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Learn More
Does The Geologic Column Prove Evolution?
Ten Misconceptions about the Geologic Column
Book: The Global Flood, Dr. John Morris