Rapid Formation of Sedimentary Layers (November 27)

The apostle Peter tells us that at a time, which he calls “The last days,” scoffers will laugh at the Genesis Flood account (2Peter 3:3,6). I think we are there! What evidence is there for a worldwide flood? One evidence comes from observing sedimentary rock layers. Sedimentary rock layers cover ¾ of the world’s continents. Try this simple experiment to see how rapidly sedimentary layers can form. (I am using food, but two different sizes of sand grains will work just as well.)
Blend together the following recipe for “Russian Tea”:
- 2 cups orange-flavored drink mix (e.g. Tang)
- 1½ cup sugar
- 1 cup instant tea powder
- 1 (3 oz.) pack lemonade mix (or 2 packs of lemon Kool-aid)
- 2 tsp. cinnamon
- ½ tsp. ground cloves
- Mix well.
Now, slowly pour the mixture through a funnel into a tall, clear glass. What you should observe is layering as the mixture separates. Multiple thin layers result as the falling materials sort themselves. Evolutionists would have us believe that layers form slowly over time, yet in this demonstration (which can also be done with different sized grains of sand), we see that layers actually form rapidly. The same thing can happen over huge regions as water sorts sediment into distinct horizontal layers.
So make yourself a cup of Russian Tea (2 Tbs. or more of the mixture to a cup of water, heated), sit back, look at your layers, and know that God’s Word is true. There was a world-wide Genesis Flood that produced the sedimentary rock layers that cover 75% of the world’s continents.
Genesis 7:20
KJV: Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
NIV: The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits.