Canyon and Cliff Talus (November 11)

The fact is many, if not most, cliffs and canyons in the Western United States, and many other places around the world, still have vertically-walled valleys and have relatively small piles of talus at the base of cliffs. This is strong evidence for young geological features. If these vertical canyons and cliff walls were millions of years old, they would have eroded away long ago. Vertical canyons and cliff walls with little talus testify to a young Earth. So the next time you see a canyon or cliff, examine how much The Mystery of Missing Talusexists at its base.
Job 14:18
KJV: And surely the mountains falling cometh to nought, and the rock is removed out of his place.
NIV: But as a mountain erodes and crumbles and as a rock is moved from its place,
1993. Science Order and Reality. A Beka Book Publications: Pensacola, FL. p. 441.