Heart Mountain Rock Slide (July 29)

The Heart Mountain slide is a famous rock layer known to every geology student. Yet, how this happened is a total mystery to secular geologists!
Near the end of Noah’s Flood, an enormous area of sediment broke away from the east side of a volcano near Yellowstone National Park. This one-third mile thick layer of sediment, over 1300 square miles in area, slid across an almost flat surface at an estimated speed of 100 miles per hour! It broke into dozens of huge chunks and settled on top of overlying rock layers (which are assumed to be much “younger”). Thus an extremely “old” layer of rock ended up on top of “younger” rocks. In reality, these layers are all essentially the same age – just laid down and pushed around in different ways and at different times during the flood of Noah’s day.
This massive rock slide is not a mystery when we put on our biblical glasses. During the Flood of Noah, rapidly deposited sedimentary layers were filled with water, and the weight of these sediments squeezed water out between the layers. Water resistant minerals, such as gypsum, prevented this liquid from rapidly escaping, thus forming a lubricated surface between layers of rock – similar to water trapped between two sheets of PlexiglasTM. Eventually, the pressure became so great that a slight jiggle from an earthquake caused the entire side of the mountain to slide across the landscape, relocating itself over 30 miles away without disturbing the sequence of layers laid down by the Flood. In addition, the friction caused by the slide generated a super-critical layer of carbon dioxide, a condition where gas gets so hot it acts like a fluid to literally “float” massive blocks of stone, resulting in the rock layers sliding even further.
Events such as this are a logical consequence of water-filled sediment that was laid down rapidly during the Flood of Noah’s time. The Heart Mountain landslide is a mystery to secular geologists who believe in evolution, but not to those who believe the truth of the Bible. The Heart Mountain slide is clearly a result of the Flood.
Job 9:5
KJV: Which removeth the mountains, and they know not: which overturneth them in his anger.
NIV: He moves mountains without their knowing it and overturns them in his anger.
Clarey, Tim. April 2016. “Supersized Landslides”, Answers Magazine. 11(2)33.