Genesis Flood Rock Layers (January 28)
If the Genesis Flood took place, what kind of rock layers would have been produced? One such strong evidence supporting the biblical Flood is the world-wide occurrence of folded rock layers. Geologists find entire strata sequences that are folded without fracturing. This is only possible if the sedimentary layers were still soft and pliable (like modeling clay) when bent. In the same manner, if the molding clay dries out, it becomes hard and brittle, unable to bend without breaking or shattering. Many of these folded rock sequences show no sign of breaking or shattering.
So how do evolutionary (huge time period) geologists explain this? They ASSUME that deep in the earth, under enormous pressure and high temperatures, rocks can bend without shattering. Yet if this were true, the characteristics of the rocks would be changed by the heat. They would show metamorphism. When geologists examine many of these folded rocks, they find no evidence of metamorphism; therefore, these rocks were bent without enormous pressure and high temperatures. These folded sedimentary rocks are still sedimentary rocks! This can only mean that these folded rocks were still soft and pliable when folded. During the Genesis Flood, there would have been rapid movements of the plates on the earth’s crust. No sooner would the floodwaters have laid down great quantities of sand and mud than rapidly moving plates would have pushed the sediment while still soft and pliable – resulting in folded rocks. The Genesis Flood would have been a powerfully destructive event leaving this type of evidence around the world.
Genesis 9:11
Related Video
Book: The Geology Book, Dr. John D. Morris
Book: The Global Flood, Dr. John Morris