Flowers (March 11)
If we open our eyes, we will see the handiwork of God everywhere. One of these areas is in the design of flowers. Flowers are critical for the complex mechanism by which God reproduces flowering plants. This multiple-step process involves the pollination of flowers to produce seeds, which then produces the next generation of plants. Flowers draw the pollinator to the flower, yet we find some flower designs that just perplex us. Flowers exhibit a dizzying variety of complexity, design, and beauty. What purpose is there for a flower to look like a monkey, a bird flying or a person? What evolutionary function is served by this beauty? Absolutely none! They exist purely for our enjoyment and to reveal God’s incredible genius and creativity.
Check out just a few examples of God’s creativity in the design of flowers:
Why would an orchid decide to make itself look like a monkey?
How could a flower decide to make itself look like a flying bird?
This flower looks like a person!
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Personal correspondence with Edward Sandoval