Wind (April 24)
Have you considered that the winds have weight? Winds move the air, and air has mass. If the air had no mass, then the winds would have no force. This is just what is stated in Job 28:25, “To make the weight for the wind.”
It was once believed that air had no weight. Evangelista Torricelli designed an experiment to test this belief in 1641. He filled a 3 foot glass tube with mercury. He quickly turned it upside down and placed it in a bowl of mercury. The mercury in the tube dropped to 30 inches. Torricelli noticed that when the mercury rose in the tube, there were clear skies. The mercury level decreased as stormy weather approached. Torricelli had invented the barometer, which measured the weight of the air. God told Job of this idea, the “weight for the winds,” some 3500 years earlier. Too many people are trained to think of the Bible as unscientific. The very opposite is true. Whenever God’s Word speaks of science, it is true. In reality, we are just catching up with God.
Job 28:25
KJV: To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.
NIV: When he established the force of the wind and measured out the waters,
DeYoung, Donald B. 1992. Weather and the Bible. Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, Michigan. p.31-32.
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Do you know the laws of the heavens?—the Bible and the hydrologic cycle