September 19 – Plant Sunscreen
When we think of plants, we think of photosynthesis and sunlight. But what if they receive too much UV-B light? UV-B is ultraviolet light that burns biological tissues. It is the reason we put on sunscreen to protect our skin from the Sun’s damaging wavelengths.
When UV-B reaches damaging levels the leaves, plants make their own sunscreen chemicals! Plants have special photoreceptors that detect high levels of UV-B light. These switch on genes to make the plant’s sunscreen. These chemicals are then deposited in the leaf tissues, ready to absorb the high levels of UV-B. This protects the cells below. At the same time, if any of the cells are found to be damaged, enzymes go into action repairing the damaged DNA. This keeps the photosynthetic machinery humming along.
How did this incredible system of detection, protection and repair come about? By accident and chance? How could plants exist before sunscreen? We have man-made sunscreen to protect ourselves while plants have God-made sunscreen.
James 1:11
“How plants ‘Know’ when to make sunscreen”, 2012 Creation 34(1)11.