October 31 – Aligning Biblical and Egyptian Chronologies

According to biblical chronology, Joseph was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt about 3700 years ago (Genesis 39:1, 2). Joseph was eventually elevated to rule the country under Pharaoh (Gen. 41). Nine years later, Jacob and his family came to Egypt, (Gen. 47:9), and some of his members were appointed to prominent positions in the government (Gen. 47:6). The Israelites were located in the Land of Goshen, and they “grew and multiplied exceedingly” (Gen. 47:27). Some time after Joseph’s death (Gen. 50:26), the Israelites continued to multiply, “and the land was filled with them” (Exodus 1:7). This alarmed the then reigning pharaoh who conscripted them into slavery. “They set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Ramses” (Ex. 1:11). About 3550 years ago, Moses was born and adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh. Forty years later Moses showed his allegiance to his own people by murdering an Egyptian who was mistreating an Israelite and was obliged to flee (Ex. 2). After forty years in exile, he returned to lead the Israelites out of bondage to the Promised Land. There followed the ten plagues, the destruction of the Egyptian army, (Ex. 14:26), and the death of Pharaoh (Psalm 136:15). This happened about 3450 years ago (1 Kings 6:1).
These events cannot be satisfactorily synchronized with the traditionally held dates of Egyptian history. The 18th dynasty (1550 – 1298 BC) is supposed to have occurred from about 3300 – 3600 years ago. This was the most powerful, most affluent dynasty that ever ruled the land of Egypt. During this dynasty there is no record of mass slavery, no trace of Israelite occupation, and no indication of disasters of the magnitude of the ten recorded plagues/the loss of the powerful Egyptian army/loss of the pharaoh. The 18th dynasty is also the best recorded dynasty that ever ruled in Egypt. Every king is known and both monuments and papyri provide a clear picture of the history of this dynasty. If there was an Exodus during this dynasty there should be some indication of it, but there isn’t. Either the biblical record is wrong, or there is something wrong with the standard Egyptian timeline. The latter turns out to be the case, but it is so ingrained in Egyptology that it will take decades for that truth to be acknowledged.
Here is what Egyptian archeologists have found. During the 12th Dynasty (assumed to be 3960 – 3991 years ago), the Old Egyptian Kingdom shows evidence that the land of Goshen was filled with large numbers of people from the land of Canaan (i.e. Israelites). One of the pharaohs (Sesostris I) is known to have had a vizier (first in command after him) whose powers were similar to those granted to Joseph. Moses would have been born under another ruler (Amenemhet III) whose daughter had no children and would have adopted Moses. Moses confronted yet another pharaoh (Neferhotep I) 80 years later. This ruler’s body was never found and the land of Egypt descended into utter desolation as the Old Kingdom ended. It was not until the rise of the 18th Dynasty that the New Kingdom began, many generations after the time of Moses and the Exodus. If the dates for the 18th Dynasty are merely shifted 300 years forward, the Biblical and Egyptian Chronologies line up perfectly.
Shortly after the Rosetta stone was translated in the late 1800s, several thousand years were lopped off the “standard Egyptian chronology”. The same is likely to happen again as approximately 300 years are lopped off the current “standard Egyptian chronology” and experts eventually realize the Bible’s timeline and history for the nation of Egypt is absolutely accurate.
Genesis 47:1
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Ancient Egyptian Chronology and the Book of Genesis