November 1 – The Distortion of Sexuality
Romans 1:19-26 describes the progressive slide into moral degeneration that any culture experiences once they reject God as creator. Once a creator is denied, people start worshiping (making the object of their adoration) the creation instead of the creator. Romans chapter 1 states that the next step along this path is the distortion of sexuality from its obvious design to a distortion of sexuality in all possible forms. As we look at our degenerating society, the rampant spread of pornography, sexual promiscuity, and homosexuality is everywhere apparent. In the Western world today, this rejection of God has reached such a fantasy level that people have come to believe that they can even change their own sex from male to female (or vice versa) – even though every cell in their body testifies to their actual sex.
Pornography drives this sexual distortion and immorality. Forty million Americans between the ages of 12–60 visit porn sites on a regular basis.2 Not only is pornography widespread (with an estimated $12 billion dollars in 2017 sales), but it is celebrated and promoted as normal by the entertainment media. Yet, there is a deep internal shame experienced by those addicted to pornography. Those caught in the progressively degenerating trap of porn find themselves increasingly obsessed with the habit to the exclusion of healthy relationships and other productive activities. It is no wonder so few have time to ponder the reality of creation and God’s existence.
In one way, porn addiction is like the worst illness of the Old Testament – leprosy. Leprosy was a source of shame and hidden from others as long as possible. Once identified, lepers were cut off from healthy relationships and banished from society. Whether leprosy or porn, the victim struggles with shame. So what is the solution to porn addiction? The starting place is the return to acknowledging that all forms of sexual perversion are sinful – whether premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, or pornography. Then, return God to the object of your adoration, find a way to hold yourself accountable, and allow God to transform your mind. An excellent resource to help with this is a small book called Seven Times by Keith Grabill.
Romans 12:2
Grabill, Keith. 2013. Seven Times. Search for the Truth Publications: Midland, MI.