March 21 – Vestigial Organs

Evolutionary ideas can actually kill people. In 1893, based on the belief in evolution, there were 83 human features considered to be useless leftovers from our ancestral past. One of these was the thymus gland. The thymus gland is located behind the breast bone in the upper chest. In babies and children, it is quite large and active, but this gland shrinks with age.
One of the functions of the thymus gland is to produce white blood cells called T lymphocytes, which attack foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. The white blood cells leave the thymus gland and settle in the spleen and lymph nodes where a new batch of white blood cells is produced. The thymus serves throughout life but is most active during childhood. Throughout the 1930’s, the thymus was considered a useless evolutionary leftover that was harmful to infants because of its large size. In misguided preventive measures, infants were exposed to x-rays in order to reduce the size of this “unnecessary evolutionary leftover” from the past. Follow-up studies found that infants who received the radiation treatment had abnormal growth and higher rates of infections that persisted longer than normal. In addition, the unintended consequence of the x-rays was cancer in the nearby thyroid gland – resulting in the death of many of these children from thyroid cancer some 10-15 years later. The misguided belief in microbe-to-man evolution is not only wrong, it is dangerous!
All of this unfathomable pain caused to these children and their parents could have been avoided if it had been acknowledged that we have a Creator who had a purpose in creating the various parts of our bodies. There are no junk leftover vestigial organs in our bodies; all parts have been created to serve a purpose. Your child’s ability to fight disease is in large part due to God’s creative design of the thymus gland.
Proverbs 14:12
KJV: There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
NIV: There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.
Bergman, Jerry. 1990. “Vestigial Organs” are Fully Functional. Creation Research Society. p.47-49.
Performing surgery upon evolutionary thinking