March 15 – Physics of the Universe

One of the greatest mysteries of science is the exact structure of creation. What keeps electrons moving? What is light? What is space? What is a charged particle? Why is there so much energy contained within empty space at absolute zero (zero point energy)? Why are galaxies commonly found in a spiral shape? Why are red shifts in distinct bands (quantitized) rather than a continuous smear of shifted values? Why does the speed of light, the mass of atomic particles, and Plank’s constant all seem to have a changing value with time? Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain. – Psalm 104:2
These are profound mysteries, and even the observation of changing values for atomic constants are frequently denied or ignored because of the implication upon traditionally accepted physics. The primary reason modern physics is helpless to adequately explain these type of inquiries is because it starts from the wrong assumption.
Modern physics accepts an enormous age for the universe and attempts to explain everything based on this starting assumption. Thus, it needs a very weak force (gravity) and lots of time to explain all of reality. Yet, this explanation cannot even explain the formation of a single star and relies on unseen faith in things like “dark matter” and “multiple universes” in an attempt to explain the impossible. A brilliant physicist from Australia, Barry Setterfield, has developed a plasma model of physics that seems to unify the anomalies that are not explained by the Big Bang model. Setterfields’ theory accepts the scriptural teaching that God stretched out the heavens and realized that this must have been accompanied by enormously accelerated radioactive decay, red shifting of light in quantized bands, and energy added to the fabric of space (analogous to how a stretched rubber band is filled with energy). According to Setterfield, this process “wound up” the universe, providing the energy necessary for star and galaxy formation – all within a very brief period of time.
Psalm 104:2
KJV: Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain.
NIV: The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent
DeYoung, Don & John Whitcomb. 2003. Our Created Moon. Green Forest, AR: Master Books. 91.