July 27 – Only the Earth Can Support Life

A recent paper published in The Astronomical Journal looked at the characteristics of 2,000 “exoplanets” orbiting other stars in our galaxy. Then they extended these results mathematically to other stars in other galaxies throughout the universe. They looked at the habitability characteristics of exoplanet/star systems and ranked the planets in terms of their potential habitability. Then they extended their findings to the estimated 700 quintillion or so exoplanets that may exist in our enormous universe to estimate the odds of finding another life-suitable, potentially inhabitable planet (such as Earth). So what was the conclusion of their statistical analysis? The Earth is totally unique and statistically the only planet in the entire universe capable of supporting life!
This conclusion was unexpected and totally destroyed evolutionary assumptions. The authors hedged their finding with all sorts of “apologies” for their conclusions. The paper noted that they may be in error because, “With these kinds of massive and highly hypothetical calculations, what might refine the predictions could be further discoveries about the composition and position of more exoplanets.” The researchers admit that their findings, “may need to be taken with a grain of salt.”
But here are the facts.
Based on what we now know and observe, in the entire universe, the Earth is the only planet uniquely designed for, and capable of, supporting life.
After SETI (the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelliegence) spent almost 50 years of searching through every wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum coming to Earth from every direction in the universe, there is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any intelligent life outside of Earth.
Psalm 45:12
Earth could be unique among 700 quintillion planets in the Universe: Study finds
Learn More
What in the World is an ‘Exoplanet?’
Extrasolar planets: a challenge to biblical cosmology?
DVD: The Privileged Planet, Illustra Media