July 12 – Fulfilled Prophecies

Why do I believe the Bible to be true? One of the reasons is the large number of fulfilled prophecies. No other book can claim that although many have tried. For instance, the Koran has one specific prophecy (that Mohammad would return to Mecca), but it is a self-fulfilling prophecy, which the writer was capable of making come true – he did return to Mecca. This is quite different from the prophecy concerning Jesus, who said that HE would return from the grave. Jesus was dead for three days and then came back from the dead. Mohammed’s prophecy was easily fulfilled while Jesus’ prophecy was not humanly possible!
In the same way, other fulfilled prophecies in the Bible prove the Bible true. Consider the prophecies about Sidon and Tyre. The prophecy regarding the city of Sidon was that the people would be decimated, but the city would continue (Ezekiel 28:21-23). The city of Sidon was attacked, and 40,000 were killed, but the city still stands today. What about Tyre? At its height, the prophet declared that the coastal city of Tyre would be destroyed; the walls would be broken down so that, “I will scrape her dust from her and make her like the top of a rock. It shall be a place for the spreading of nets…..They shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water…I will make thee like the top of a rock.… never to be rebuilt and never again to be inhabited? (Ezekiel 26:4-5,12,14 emp. added). At its height, the city of Tyre was besieged by the powerful King Nebuchadnezzar. For 13 years, Tyre held off the attack; finally, the walls were breached, and many were killed. Thousands, however, had fled to an island ½ mile out in the Mediterranean Sea to rebuild their city. Two hundred fifty years later, Alexander the Great came to Tyre and commanded the city to surrender. The people, feeling secure on their island fortress, laughed. So Alexander came up with a bold and daring plan. He would build a causeway across one-half mile of sea to Tyre. Alexander used every timber, stone, and piece of rubble from old Tyre and scraped the site of the city clean – right down to the bedrock. Today Tyre is like the top of a rock, good only for the spreading of nets. “For I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD….” (Ezekiel 26:5).
Matthew 5:18
Kennedy, D. James. 2005. Why I Believe. Thomas Nelson Inc.: Nashville, Tennessee. p.16-21.