January 1 – We Forget Our Past at Peril to Our Future
We forget our past at peril to our future.
Almost every university in America was started as a Bible college in order to train future leaders in various areas of biblical knowledge. The very word ‘university” is a combination of the Latin word uni – meaning “one” and veritus – meaning “truth.” Thus the central purpose of our centers of knowledge and training (universities) was to link knowledge to biblical truth. Yet today in many universities, morality has become relative, sin is no longer even acknowledged as real, there is no unifying source of truth, and the Bible is ignored or ridiculed. But God’s Word remains the foundation of all truth whether acknowledged or not. For instance:
- Almost all LAWS are based on some view of limiting “bad” behavior and enforcing “good” behavior. Yet with no basis outside of humanity to determine right from wrong (such as the Bible), the persuasive, powerful, or majority simply define right and wrong to suit themselves while laws become numerous, arbitrary, and twisted. Society deteriorates. That is exactly what is happening in America today.
- There are only two possible explanations for our existence – either distinctly different types of animals were created or simple organisms (such as bacteria) turned into more complicated things (such as people). Once the biblical account of life’s origins is rejected, much of BIOLOGY is simply misinterpreted.
- ECONOMICS is a biblical concept based on the stewardship of creation in order to develop the resources of the earth in a way that respects people as having been made in God’s image and pleases God. With the rejection of a Creator, economics has no ultimate purpose.
- Rejection of the reality of a Biblical world-covering flood means that most of GEOLOGY and the time frame of history get distorted and misinterpreted.
- Even the study of THEOLOGY becomes distorted. Theism acknowledges God as being ultimately in control (The Creator is God). Atheism assumes God does not exist, so the human intellect is supreme (I am God). Pantheism believes that creation itself is all that there is and therefore worships creation (Everything is God). Since a biblical God is left out of a students’ thinking throughout our public school system, the behavior of many students reflects some blend of atheism and pantheism.
We ignore the foundational purpose of our universities (one truth) at peril to our future.
Romans 1:22
KJV: Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
NIV: Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.
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