February 5 – Cultural Memories of the Garden of Eden
Have you considered that the Garden of Eden was meant to be understood as real history? Does this mean that there was a walking, talking snake? If any of this were true, we would expect people to remember some of the details and carry that memory with them when they left the Tower of Babel. We find such details in a 12 foot tall, bronze, fruit tree that was excavated in 1986 near Guanghan, China (dated about 4000 years old, secular dating).
Attached to this 12-foot bronze fruit tree were a human hand and a snake with feet. Genesis 3:6 records that Eve took forbidden fruit from the tree and ate. Genesis 3 continues with the snake being cursed by God such that it was changed to move about on its belly. This implies that previously the snake had legs and walked. The temptation of Eve was a real event in history and the Chinese recorded it in one of their artifacts.
Genesis 3:14b
KJV: upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: