February 2 – Gold Veins
Golden ore lode from the Harz in Germany
Scientists have discovered that gold veins can be produced in an instant (a few tenths of a second) and do not require huge time periods. Veins of gold are produced when hot fluids flowing through cracks deep in the earth’s crust depressurize rapidly – causing the minerals and metals to fall out of the hot fluid solution. The “flash deposition” of gold is a result of earthquakes opening up cracks. Gold can often be found in these sideways, zigzagging fault jogs – cracks that are connected to main fault lines in rocks. Earthquakes can make gold veins in an instant as cracks open and the pressure drops, causing the precious metals to be flash deposited. Gold does not take millions of years to form within the rock layers of the earth. During the Flood of Noah’s day, there would have been intense earthquake activity that could have produced gold in a flash as it precipitated out of solution.
It is sad how much death, human misery, slavery, and corruption has been caused by the search for gold and riches. Heaven is described as a place where gold is so common the streets are paved with it. Things humans typically value (such as gold) turn out to be rather commonplace in the end. The world desires gold, yet gold pales in comparison to God’s Word and the wisdom and meaning it can bring to our lives.
Psalm 19:10
KJV: More to be desired [is God’s Word] than gold, yea, than much fine gold:….
NIV: [God’s Word is] more precious than gold, than much pure gold;….
“Gold Veins produced ‘in an instant’”. Creation, 35 (3)7.