February 18 – Where Did the Races Come From?
Two United Kingdom twins turn heads because one twin sister is white and the other twin sister is black! Lucy is “white” with blue eyes, and Maria is “black” with brown eyes, yet they are twins. Their father is “white” and their mother is part-Jamaican. These two girls help answer a troubling question about the Bible. If there were only one man and one woman in the beginning, then where did all the “races” come from? Why do people of such diverse facial appearance and skin color exist?
Lucy and Marie show that it is simply a matter of genetics. Skin color is based on a pigment called melanin. If you have a lot of melanin you will be dark; if you have just a little melanin, you will have light skin. If Adam and Eve were medium brown, subsequent generations would have had melanin skin colors from very dark to very light. Following the Genesis Flood, the people built the tower of Babel, God caused confusion in their languages, and people spread out across the world (Genesis 11). This resulted in the genetic pools being isolated and the different people groups developing. We are all literally sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. Twin sisters Lucy and Maria Aylmer from the UK show us that we are all related. Skin color is only skin deep and nothing more. We are all one race, the human race.
Acts 17:26
KJV: And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth…
NIV: From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth…
UK twins turn heads: One is white, the other black