February 16 – Fish Fins
Each fin on a fish is needed to move the fish. If the tail fin (caudal) was not there, the fish could not propel itself forward. If the pectoral fins and the pelvic fins were not present, the fish would not be able to steer. If the dorsal or anal fin was missing, the fish would not be able to stay upright and would tip sideways. All the fins are needed AND at the same time. Darwinian evolutionists believe that living organism developed and diversified from simple to complex during earth’s history. Yet, a fish with only two or three fins would not survive. All the fins, with their functions, were needed from the beginning in order for the fish to successfully swim.
Evolutionists believe that hundreds of millions of years ago fish evolved from some worm or sponge or other invertebrate. Not one single fossil has revealed this intermediate form of half-fish and half-invertebrate. And as J.R. Norman, an evolutionist from the Department of Zoology, British Museum of Natural History, London, states, “The geological record has so far provided no evidence as to the origin of the fishes…” Fossils of invertebrates have been found, and fossils of fishes have been found, but nothing in-between! There are no transitional fossils showing the evolution of a fish. Scripture states that God created the swimming creatures, including fish, on Day 5 of the creation week. He created them as fully formed fish.
Psalm 8:1
Snelling, Dr. Andrew. 1990. The Revised Quote Book. Petersburg, Kentucky: Answers in Genesis. p.11.