February 15 – Underwater Archeology

Is there really a lost city of Atlantis, or is this just a myth?
Let’s consider what happened after the Flood. Within a few hundred years, the rapidly expanding human population was spreading across the earth after being dispersed from the Tower of Babel. The end of the Flood also marked the beginning of the Ice Age. The Flood warmed the oceans of the world causing increased evaporation. This resulted in a wetter, colder climate worldwide with massive snowfall in high north and south latitudes. Fine ash particles from the massive volcanic activity during and after the Flood also worked to keep the earth cool and snow from melting.
This resulted in enormous amounts of water being removed from the oceans. Most experts believe the oceans were 300 feet lower during the height of the ice age. It is estimated that this one and only Ice Age lasted about 700 years. It seems likely that many people spreading out at this time of earth history would have settled along coastlines. At the end of the Ice Age, the icepacks began to melt – returning the water to the oceans and causing the sea level to rise about 300 feet. This caused flooding of coastal cities all over the world.
Today we are discovering more and more underwater archeological sites: Yonaguni near Japan, old Dwarka near India, Yarmuta near Lebanon and underwater cities off the coasts of Greece and Cuba. The submerged megaliths off southern India are a boon for the local fishermen. The temples and walls provide a place for the fish to congregate. The local fishermen are constantly snagging their nets on the buildings and must dive to loosen them. These local fishermen have the privilege of seeing the submerged kingdom of Kumari Kandam with its columns, pyramids, stone walls and lion statues. In other words, the ancients were building megalithic cities during the Ice Age that were submerged as the Ice Age ended.
Job 37:6
NIV: He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
Ham, Ken (Ed.). 2013. The New Answers Book 4. Green Forest, AR: Master Books. p. 139.
Nienhuis, James I. 2006. Ice Age Civilizations. Houston, Texas: Genesis Veracity. p. 6.