December 1b – Biblical Marriage
As with many moral and Christian issues, the debate over homosexual marriage can only be properly addressed if discussed in conjunction with the issue of origins. Much of the opposition to the elevation of homosexual marriage to “normal” status centers on the moral issue of two men or two women “marrying” each other. Yet, our culture is far down the road of accepting the belief that no moral absolutes exist, that is, people can decide for themselves what is acceptable behavior. Thus, to promote the idea that one behavior is preferred over another is viewed as bigoted and intolerant. Decades of subtle training through media shows (always sympathetic to homosexual characters) has softened any resistance to homosexuality to the point that it is rapidly approaching the status of a “human right.” The United States Supreme Court has already declared homosexual marriage no different than a biblical marriage between a man and a woman. It is only a matter of time until laws are passed forcing churches to hire unrepentant sinners. Sin always advances, and given the current status of the debate, this situation is inevitable. Ignored is the reality that if the marriage of man to man or woman to woman becomes a “human right,” then why not a man to twelve women, or a father to his 12 year-old daughter? By what authority is any arbitrary distinction set? After all, if they truly love one another, how dare society be so judgmental as to legislate that they should not be allowed to marry? So, how do we arrest this cultural slide?
The primary problem is that the right question is not even being asked. That question is – “Where did humans come from?” Since our entire educational, media, and museum systems promote the idea that we came from single-sex organisms, there is no basis in reality to justify elevating the marriage between a man and a women above any other arrangement. Examples can be found in the animal kingdom to justify any possible sexual arrangement, and we have trained children for decades that we are just another type of animal. BUT, if man and woman really were created for the purpose of completing each other as stated in the Bible (obvious by the “key-in-lock” structures of our physical bodies and complimentary talents/abilities), then any other arrangement in marriage is simply a distortion of truth. The whole gay marriage debate simply disappears. We need to get back to fighting this cultural “train-wreck in progress” from an origins and biblical basis. When the evidence supporting Genesis is acknowledged, the justification of relative sexual morality simply disappears.
Genesis 2:24
NIV: A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
From the book “Have You Considered”?