August 21 – Flood Sandstones
If there was a worldwide flood, would not sediments have been transported vast distances? As the Flood waters swept over the continents, they would have deposited sedimentary layers. Let’s look at just one example.
The Grand Canyon has a bright white layer of sandstone near the top lip commonly called “the bathtub ring.” This Coconino sandstone layer consists of pure quartz sand averaging 315 feet thick and covering some 200,000 square miles, containing at least 10,000 cubic miles of sand. Where did all this sand come from? Within the Coconino sandstone are sloping sand “waves” pointing southward, indicating that the water flowed from the north. It has been postulated that the source of this sand was northern Utah or Wyoming.
Higher in the strata sequence above the rim of the Grand Canyon is the Navaho Sandstone. It can be seen in Zion National Park, just north of the Grand Canyon. This sandstone also consists of very pure quartz sand, giving it its brilliant white color, and it also has sand “waves” indicating that the sand came from the northeast. Within this sandstone is the mineral zircon, which is easily traced to its source material. It has been postulated that these sand grains in the Navajo Sandstone could have come from the Appalachians of Pennsylvania and New York and farther north into Canada. These sand grains were transported about 1,250 miles across North America. If there was a world-wide flood, sediments would have been transported vast distances, and that is what we are now discovering. This speaks of a global Flood some 4400 years ago.
2 Peter 3:6b
KJV: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
NIV: By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.
What are some of the Best Flood Evidences?
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Startling evidence for Noah’s Flood – footprints and sand ‘dunes’ in a Grand Canyon sandstone!
Book: The Geology Book, Dr. John D. Morris