August 12 – Austrailian Aborigines
What do Australian Aborigines and people of India have in common? Apparently, they are related. Recent genetic testing found strong DNA similarities between them. The large number of similar genetic markers across the genome gives a clear signal that the people of India and Australia intermarried 4,000 – 5,000 years ago. This would also help explain the many linguistic similarities between the peoples of southern India and many of the Aboriginal tribes. How is this viewed from a biblical perspective? After the Flood of Noah’s time, the people built a tower of Babel and then were dispersed (Genesis 10, 11). The dispersion of the people from the tower of Babel may have happened several hundred years after the Flood (over 4,000 years ago). As a result, some groups of people would have settled in India, and others traveled further on to Australia. Modern DNA testing confirms this migration and the corresponding dates. Science finally catches up with the Bible.
Genesis 11:9
Focus: news of interest about creation and evolution
Ancient migration: Genes link Australia with India