April 25 – Leafhopper Gears
It is often stated that belief in God is a “leap of faith.” Yet, the Bible, from the Old Testament (Psalm 19:1-4) to the New Testament (Romans 1:18-23), clearly states that the reality of God’s existence is absolutely apparent to everyone, everywhere — simply by observing creation. In other words, creation could only exist if a Creator made it.
The September 2013 journal Science describes a set of perfectly formed gears at the base of a lowly 2 mm-long leafhopper nymph. This creature has the ability to jump several inches using a mighty thrust from its hind legs that propels the creature with an acceleration of nearly 400 G (fighter pilots risk blackout if accelerating much past 10 G). This feat would be equivalent to a man accelerating from 0 to 200 mph in less than a second and jumping 400 feet in a single bound!
What makes the leafhopper’s feat even more amazing is that the nerve impulses cannot travel fast enough to allow both legs to push off in a coordinated fashion – meaning that with every hop, the insect should spin out of control. So how did the Creator solve this problem? He added a set of interlocking gears to the base of the leafhopper’s legs so that they are forced to move in exact coordination. This design is currently being studied as a prototype for new kinds of high-speed, directional gears. The marvels of the microscopic world and the wonders of God’s creativity never cease. The belief that such a gear could “make itself” via random changes over time is equivalent to believing that a gear could be produced in a machine shop via random hammering of a piece of metal. When we see microscopic gears solving a leafhopper’s leap, we stand in awe of our Creator!
Psalm 19:1-3
Science, Sept. 2013
Answers Magazine, Vol. 9 No. 1, Jan. 2014, p.13.
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Are Biological Gears Evolutionary Training Wheels for Leafhoppers?