Recent Creation of Mankind (February 23)
Have you considered how well archaeological evidence provides support for the recent creation of mankind? All anthropologists know that key human technological advancements – agriculture, the wheel, pottery, and horse domestication – were developed less than 10,000 years ago. The oldest plow is about 4,000 years old. It was discovered in Lavagnone, Italy in a peat bog. What about agriculture in general? Archaeological excavations have shown that agriculture has existed less than 10,000 years. What about the wheel? Even secular history books admit the wheel was invented 5,000 – 6,000 years ago and not in just one area but in Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, and Mesopotamia. What about pottery? The earliest pottery found was in Iran, Japan, and China and has been dated less than 7,000 years old. Some of the pottery was found to be just as sophisticated in design as recent pottery. What about horse domestication? Again, the most ancient date advanced is that horses were domesticated less than 6,000 years ago. Archaeological evidence shows that the three most ancient civilizations, the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Indus civilizations, arose 6,000 (or less) years ago.
Even the oldest written languages date back about 5,000 years, and these languages show no evidence of evolving in complexity. In fact, the most ancient languages were just as complex and sophisticated (often more so) than modern languages – having complex grammar and structure. When we examine the evidence of human activity through archaeology, we find overwhelming support for a recent creation of man. If man had been evolving over millions of years, we should find evidence to support this, but we do not. What we find is man leaving his evidence dating back far less than 10,000 years. This is exactly what we would expect by reading the Bible as accurate, literal history.
Job 8:8
NIV: Ask the former generation and find out what their ancestors learned,
From the book “Have You Considered”?