Origin of Earth’s Ocean Waters (December 16)
For decades, planetary scientists have claimed that the Earth’s ocean water came from comets colliding with the early Earth. But once they measured the composition of the water on comets, scientists found it did not match the characteristics of ocean water. Thus, this explanation fell upon hard times. What’s an evolutionary cosmologist to do?
The latest attempt to rescue the idea that the Earth made itself violates all rules of logic and science. It is now being proposed that water clung to dust particles as they coalesced to form the Earth approximately 5 billion years ago. Here’s the elephant-in-the-living-room problem with this idea:
- These dust particles circling the Sun would have been heated to between 150 and 1080 oC – way above the boiling point of water for millions of years while the planet was coalescing. The water would simply have boiled away!
- It is repeatedly assumed that dust circling the Sun clumped into planetesimals (giving something we don’t understand a long name apparently makes it more believable), and then the planetesimals accreted into planets. Yet, it has never been satisfactorily explained how this process could happen because realistic modeling scenarios indicate the particles are driven apart far faster than they “accrete.”
- One of the researchers stated, “The new results will force scientists to re-evaluate the process of Earth’s formation. Perhaps the team’s absorption model is correct, or perhaps water came to Earth aboard a kind of asteroid that hasn’t yet been found, or no longer exists…”
Notice the faith of these scientists. Their beliefs are not based on testable, reproducible observations of science but in “perhaps stories” and things that “haven’t been found or no longer exist.” For Christians, our faith is in what God has told us, “He created the heavens and the earth.”
Isaiah 48:13
November 2015. “New Earth Ocean Theory is All Wet”. Creation Matters 20(6)10.
Rosen, J. November 12, 2015. “Earth may have kept its own water rather than getting it from asteroids”. Science Magazine.