Sharks (September 23)
Have you considered the shark? You may have been aware of the shark’s ability to smell. But, did you know, they are able to detect the smell of blood from miles away? Are you aware, however, of their ability to sense electricity in the water? On a shark’s snout are located nerve receptors called the ampullae of Lorenzini. These tiny receptor holes allow the shark to pick up the electricity given off by a beating heart. These tiny sensory receptors work with the shark’s brain to give an exact location of a possible meal.
Theoretically, it has been determined that a shark could locate the position of a 9-volt battery over 1,000 miles away! Man has not even come close to copying such a wonder!
Psalm 118:1
KJV: O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
NIV: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Fields, Douglas. August 2007. “The Shark’s Electric Sense” Scientific American 297(2) 76.
Learn More
Passive electrolocation in fish
DVD: Living Waters, Illustra Media