Japanese Puffer Fish (June 23)
One of the wonders of the Pacific Ocean is the Japanese puffer fish. During mating season this fish creates an underwater sculpture which would astound any artist and make a beautiful wall decoration in any home. Using only it fins, the tiny fish produces a perfectly circular, six-foot sculpture on the ocean bottom with uniquely placed ridges and channels. The fish cannot even see from one side of the sculpture to the other, yet it is a perfect circle and the channels it creates between the sand ridges are produced with mathematical perfection.
The fish literally has a map of the finished sculpture in its brain and works non-stop, 24 hours a day, for over a week to complete the plan. Where did this plan come from? How did it learn to move sand, shells and rocks around to create such beauty? Could such plans and ability have slowly “evolved” over time a small step at a time? Not a chance! God created such wonders to show us his creativity in the animals he has made.
Isaiah 66:2a
KJV: For all those things hath mine hand made…
NIV: Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?