Evolution Tree of Life or Creation Orchard? (July 5)
What are the “evolutionist’s tree of life” and the “creationist’s orchard”?
Darwin originally proposed that all life had a common-origin ancestor and the various forms of life could be lined up into a “tree of life” showing what turned into what. “Common descent” is still the foundational principle ruling modern biology. Evolutionists believe that all of today’s species are descended from one common ancestor and that every organism we see today evolved from one simple cell.
In contrast, the creationist’s orchard has diversity occurring with time, but always within the basic body types or the Genesis “kinds.” In the beginning, God created the creatures “according to their kinds” (Gen. 1: 11-12, 21, 24-25). Each of these kinds was created with a vast amount of information but always within limits. Written into the DNA coding of each “tree” within the biological orchard of life, is enough variety that descendants can adapt to a wide variety of environments. Creatures only breed with other creatures of their own kind. For example, dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the canine kind while cats, lions and tigers belong to the feline kind. There is no connection between the canine tree and the feline tree. There is no shared ancestry. We do not find “cogs” and “dats” but cats and dogs. The biblical orchard best fits what we observe in nature.
Genesis 1:25
Sherwin, Frank. 2013. Guide to Animals. Institute of Creation Research: Dallas, Texas. p.18-19.