Sea Cucumbers (January 12)

One of the weirdest creatures in the ocean is the sea cucumber, which looks like a cucumber with small spines. Some sea cucumbers eat sand with other small pieces of food, while others filter food out of the water with their tentacles. But the weirdest behavior of a sea cucumber occurs when under attack – it spills its guts, literally!
The sea cucumber throws up long, sticky threads – which are its own internal organs. These sticky threads can glue a predator’s throat shut, which will eventually kill the predator. Does the sea cucumber die? Of course not. His body parts are soon regenerated, and he continues on without harm. How did the first sea cucumber survive the first time he spilled his guts? From the very beginning, he had to have the ability to vomit out his sticky organs and then have the ability to regrow them. Evolution would have us believe that this defense method came about by slow step-wise processes. If this were true, there would be no sea cucumbers today.
Acts 4:24
KJV: Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them.
Fullbright, Jeannie K. 2006. Exploring Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day.
Anderson, IN: Apologia Education Ministries pp.181-182.