Shrimp (December 5)
Did you know that shrimp have some of the most amazing eyes in the animal kingdom? Mantis shrimp have photoreceptors capable of receiving 16 different wavelengths of light. Humans only have 3 photoreceptors (red, green, and blue), which we combine to see all the visible colors. One can only imagine the fantastic visual experience possible with 16 photoreceptors! Besides this, mantis shrimp see UV, heat (infra-red), and polarized light. In fact, they can also detect circular polarized light.
Furthermore, each of its two compound eyes can perceive depth and move independently. These eyes are being studied in hopes of producing better DVD players. Some scientists now specialize in a new field of study called biomimicry. In essence, human designers are simply copying ideas from the Master Designer. God is the one who made the heavens, the Earth, the seas and all that is in them. There is an infinite amount to learn from Him.
Psalm 36:5,6
DVD Makers copy mantis shrimp eye design
Mantis shrimp have the world’s best eyes-but why?