Tree Frogs (August 5)

Tree frogs live in trees, sticking firmly to branches and leaves – even walking upside down on these surfaces. How do they keep from falling off? It’s all in the feet. Close inspection of a tree frog’s foot reveals pads with cracks and crevices from which mucus oozes. This mucus first cleans the dust and dirt off the surface to which the frog wants to cling. Then more mucus oozes out – creating a thin layer of “adhesive” to grip the surface. These tree frogs have feet that both clean and stick. Did these sticky feet happen by accident and chance? How many tree frogs fell to their death before they got it right? Who created sticky feet for the tree frogs? God only had to speak, and it came into existence.
Psalm 147:1
NIV: How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!