Greenland Canyon (September 12)

Under a thick ice sheet in Greenland, scientists discovered a new “Grand Canyon.” Using airborne radar to see through the two mile thick ice sheets, scientists discovered a huge canyon, similar to the Grand Canyon, that is located in Arizona. This hidden Greenland canyon is about half as deep (2,600 feet deep) but twice as long (almost 600 miles) as the Grand Canyon.
Greenland’s canyon begins in the middle of the country and continues northward to the sea; it is the world’s longest canyon. Scientists were surprised to find the canyon with “the distinctive V-shaped walls” because this means it must be a river valley and not a U-shaped glacier-carved valley. The valley must have been carved prior to Greenland being covered with ice. If we put on our biblical glasses, we will understand exactly how this valley was formed. During the closing stages of the global Flood, the fast-moving, sediment-filled, high-energy runoff waters carved canyons at many locations around the world. This happened as the year-long Flood waters drained off the continents, about 4400 years ago, carving out canyons in the newly-formed land masses. Later, tiny rivers flowed at the bottom of these huge canyons, or in the case of Greenland, a huge canyon to be later covered by miles of ice.
2 Peter 3:6
KJV: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
NIV: By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.
Creation 36(1)8: Colossal Canyon Discovery