The Continued Existence of the Jewish People (June 12)
The continued existence of the Jewish people is one of the most amazing, fulfilled prophecies of the Bible. About 4,000 years ago, God called a man named Abram out of his country to a promised land. God promised that a great nation of innumerable people would come from him and changed his name to Abraham – even though he was almost 100 years old and childless. Two hundred and fifteen years later, Abraham’s descendants settled in Egypt. While in Egypt, Abraham’s descendants increased greatly – numbering in the millions within 500 years of Abraham’s death. As they were returning to the Promised Land, Moses gave them many warnings about the consequences of being disobedient to God (see Deuteronomy chapters 28-33).
Because of their rebellion, they were again banished from their homeland in 70 A.D. The Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and scattered the Jewish people. For almost 1900 years, the Jews wandered the Earth. This culminated in the Holocaust of World War II. In 1948, the state of Israel was reborn, and many Jews returned to their homeland. Throughout this entire time, the Jewish people never lost their national identity. History has shown that people who leave their homeland will lose their national identity within five generations – being absorbed into the new culture. Have you ever heard a person say, “I’m a Moabite, or I’m a Philistine? Ammonite? Edomite?” These were the nations that lived around Israel. Obviously, they have not survived. Yet for the past 4000 years, people have continued to say, “I’m Jewish” or “I’m an Israelite.” God is faithful to fulfill what He says!
Genesis 12:2a
KJV: And I will make of thee a great nation,
NIV: I will make you into a great nation,
McDowell, Josh. 1998.A Ready Defense. Thomas Nelson Publishing. p.72-3.