Human DNA Lineages Come From a Single Man and Woman (December 4)
Tracing the DNA lineage of all humans back to an original source has revealed that all humans originally came from a single woman and single man. This is no surprise to Christians, who were told this thousands of years ago in the first chapters of the Bible. It has just taken modern science 6000 years to catch up with what God has told us in the Bible. But we have also traced the lineage of other creatures. For instance, DNA testing has now revealed that all living goats, are descended from five original female goats and all living sheep are descended from three or four original females. Why multiple pairs and not one original goat or sheep pair? Once again, the Bible provides the answer.
Noah was told to take seven pairs of each type of “clean” animal on board the ark. Some of these animals were subsequently used for sacrifice. All the sheep and goats in the world today have descended from the remaining animals. The DNA test results exactly match what would be expected if the Bible and the worldwide Flood are accurate. God’s word is always true!
Genesis 7:2a & 8:20
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, October 2006.
Science News, B. Bower, Oct 14, 2006.
Learn More
Does Modern Genetics Confirm a Historical Adam?
DVD: DNA Battles