The Bible is no Ordinary Book (April 12)
What if….you took 40 different people….from all different walks of life, social status, and vocations…living on three different continents… separated by thousands of years….writing in different moods (from sorrow to joy)… writing in three different languages….and writing about diverse topics. Would you expect to have a unified, harmonious story? Or would the result be a disjointed jumble of different ideas?
The Bible was written
- By 40 different authors: shepherds, kings, soldiers, religious leaders, common men, statesmen, doctors, government officials
- In different places: palaces, towns, large cities, deserts
- At different times: times of war and peace, of prosperity and need
- In different moods: joy and sorrow, fear and security
- On three different continents: in Africa (Egypt), Europe (Italy), and Asia (Turkey)
- In three different languages: Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic
- About many topics: the nature of God, moral issues, religious ceremonies, history, science, documentation of facts
- In multiple styles: poetry, songs, historical accounts, sermons, advice, personal letters, prophetic utterances, lineages, royal edicts, allegory
- Over a 1500 year period
Yet, these 66 books share a common storyline – creation, fall, redemption – God’s love for us and His means of salvation to all who repent of their sins and follow Him with all their heart, soul and mind. This golden thread weaves its way throughout the Bible. It is the unified, harmonious story of God’s Word. In all 66 books, there are no historical errors or internal contradictions. The Bible is no ordinary book; it is the inspired Word of God!
2 Timothy 3:16a
KJV: All scripture is given by inspiration of God…
NIV: All Scripture is God-breathed…
Noebel, David & Chuck Edwards. 1999. Thinking like a Christian, student journal. Summit Press: Manitou Springs, CO. p.42.
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Who Wrote Genesis? Are the Toledoth Colophons?