Scabs (January 19)
Have you ever thought about how a scab is made? Do you realize that it takes a 12-step process to form that scab? In order for blood to clot, there must be 12 specific individual chemicals reacting in a domino effect for a clot to form. Think about a row of dominos. If you remove one domino from a perfectly spaced line of dominoes, the dominoes following the gap will not fall. It is exactly the same principle with blood clotting. If one of these chemicals is missing, then a person may bleed to death. If less than the required amount of a specific chemical is present, the person has pain. Too much of the chemical causes a clot in the blood stream, however, and may bring on a heart attack or stroke.
If evolution were true, how did this process happen by accident and chance? How did these chemicals first get placed in the right order, in the right amount, and at the right time? All this had to be correct from the very beginning; otherwise, we would have bled to death. When we see a perfectly spaced row of dominoes, we know there was a designer. God designed the clotting of blood, so we would know of His existence.
Psalm 90:16
KJV: Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.
NIV: May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children.
Behe, Michael. 2006. Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. New York: Free Press, 74-98.
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In Defense of the Irreducibility of the Blood Clotting Cascade