The Stomach (April 19)
The world’s first artificial stomach was recently developed in Britain at a cost of $1.8 million dollars. It even vomits! The shiny, high-tech box is made of plastics and metal and is built to withstand the corrosive acids and enzymes found inside a real stomach. The two-part model is just a little larger than a desktop computer. Food, stomach acids, and digestive enzymes are poured into the stomach, which mixes them in the first chamber. The artificial stomach attempts to copy real muscle contractions to mix everything up. Software regulates how long food remains in the chamber. Yet, scientists really don’t know how well this lab bench simulator stomach replicates the real thing. A scientist involved with this project admits, “Our knowledge of what actually happens in the gut is still very rudimentary.”
Nevertheless, food companies are interested; one company wants to test its biscuits to see when a particular nutrient is released, and another is interested in how quickly glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream. Even though this stomach took millions of dollars and hundreds of hours to design and build, it still cannot accomplish what our own stomach can do. If it took intelligence to make this artificial stomach, imagine the immense intelligence it took to make our own stomach! Evolutionists would have us believe that our stomach happened by accident and chance. Did this artificial stomach, which is not even as good as our own stomach, happen by accident and chance? I just can’t stomach that idea! When we see a stomach, we know there must be a stomach-maker and that stomach-maker is God!
Matthew 15:16-17
Scientists build world’s first artificial stomach