Welcome to the online book Explore the World and its cousins Pearls in Paradise, Have You Considered, and A Closer Look at the Evidence. These books cover a wealth of creation science topics in a daily reading lesson format, linked to additional related online information. They are produced by the Search for the Truth ministries (YouTube Videos channel).

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Latest News
Fiji Tour 2018-2020
The Fiji tour is a God-sized project to visit EVERY secondary/high school in Fiji, to give creation science presentations at school assemblies and distribute the book Pearls In Paradise to every student, teacher and administrator! This work began in 2018 …
Philippines Tour 2019+
These tours have been on hold due to COVID, but we hope to resume them in the future. The Philippines tour is a second God-size project to visit as many secondary schools as possible in the Philippines. Live presentations or …
What People Say
How the creation assembly and Bible-Science devotional books are impacting students.

Fiji High School Principle
“Your visit to our school and giving us the books was the best thing that has ever happened at our school.”

Kory Mears
“In 22 years of ministry to Fiji I have never seen anything as effective as creation ministry for bringing students to Christ.”
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